Friday, April 1, 2011

Reviews, responses and stuff about me...what to expect from my writings.

As I write about my experiences with whisky, I will be reviewing all aspects of the industry, or as much about the spirits as I can.  I'll be writing about the whiskies, the distillers that make them, the retailers who sell them, the pubs/taverns/clubs that serve them, and the people I encounter who drink them.  I'll be talking about cocktail recipes, food recipes using whiskies as an ingredient, and special events that directly or indirectly have something to do with my favorite beverages.  From time to time I may also write about other spirits,liqueurs, wines, and beers as such things pique my interest, and don't too shocked if I express a political opinion here and there as well.

I want this blog to be interesting and informative to those that take the time to read up on what I have on my mind.  I also am not afraid to ask for feedback on what the readers think about what I have to say...the good, bad, and ugly of it all.  All I would ask from those offering me their thoughts is to always be honest, always be respectful, and I pledge to always do the same no matter what.

I am a very happily married father of four awesome kids (three of whom are all grown up and living their lives).  I'm also a proud grandfather of  four beautiful grandchildren.  By profession I have been in the law enforcement/security line of work almost my whole adult life, though I began my working life as a teenager in the food a dishwasher, busboy, and a cook.  I enjoy home brewing beer, sampling whiskies, cooking, watching sports, and writing on topics of interest - usually politics.  I am proud of my Scottish ancestry, having been fortunate to have had some family members research a bit an determine that my blood line goes all the way back to the Highlands of Scotland.

Thank you for taking time to visit and read whatever is on my mind...I am truly very grateful.

I'm not a journalist, I'm not an english major - all I am is a Scots-American with alot to say about my beloved uisge beatha.  Slainte' Mhath

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